Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
The sum must be at most %s | E suma mester ta maksimal %s | Details | |
The sum must be at most %s E suma mester ta maksimal %s
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The sum must be at least %s | E suma mester ta minimal %s | Details | |
The sum must be at least %s E suma mester ta minimal %s
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Each answer must be between %s and %s | Kada kontesta mester ta entre %s i %s | Details | |
Each answer must be between %s and %s Kada kontesta mester ta entre %s i %s
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Each answer must be %s | Kada kontesta mester ta %s | Details | |
Each answer must be at most %s | Kada kontesta por ta maksimal %s | Details | |
Each answer must be at most %s Kada kontesta por ta maksimal %s
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Each answer must be at least %s | Kada kontesta mester ta minimalmente %s | Details | |
Each answer must be at least %s Kada kontesta mester ta minimalmente %s
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Please select %s answers | Por fabor skohe %s respuesta | Details | |
Please select at most %s answers | Por fabor skohe maksimalmente %s respuesta | Details | |
Please select at most %s answers Por fabor skohe maksimalmente %s respuesta
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Please select at most one answer | Por fabor skohe maksimal un respuesta | Details | |
Please select at most one answer Por fabor skohe maksimal un respuesta
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Please select at least %s answers | Por fabor skohe por lo ménos %s respuesta | Details | |
Please select at least %s answers Por fabor skohe por lo ménos %s respuesta
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Please select at least one answer | Por fabor skohe por lo ménos un respuesta | Details | |
Please select at least one answer Por fabor skohe por lo ménos un respuesta
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Invalid PERL Regular Expression: %s | Ekpreshon regular PERL no válido: %s | Details | |
Invalid PERL Regular Expression: %s Ekpreshon regular PERL no válido: %s
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Tried to pop value off of empty stack | A trata di pòpòp un balor for di un bashí | Details | |
Tried to pop value off of empty stack A trata di pòpòp un balor for di un bashí
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Function supports this many arguments, where -1=unlimited: %s | Funshon no ta válido pa e kantidat di argumento akí (kaminda 1=ilimitá): %s | Details | |
Function supports this many arguments, where -1=unlimited: %s Funshon no ta válido pa e kantidat di argumento akí (kaminda 1=ilimitá): %s
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Function does not support %s arguments | Funshon no ta sostené %s argumento | Details | |
Function does not support %s arguments Funshon no ta sostené %s argumento
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