Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Not all labels were updated successfully. | Ikkje alle etikettane blei oppdaterte. | Details | |
Not all labels were updated successfully. Ikkje alle etikettane blei oppdaterte.
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%s responses already exist. | %s svar finnast allereie. | Details | |
This survey setting has not been imported: %s => %s | Denne innstillinga for undersøkinga er ikkje importert: %s => %s | Details | |
This survey setting has not been imported: %s => %s Denne innstillinga for undersøkinga er ikkje importert: %s => %s
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STATA (.xml) | STATA (.xml) | Details | |
R (data file) | R (datafil) | Details | |
R (syntax file) | R (syntaksfil) | Details | |
digit: source("filename", encoding = "UTF-8") on the R command window, replace filename with the actual filename | verdi: kjelde("filnamn", avkoding = "UTF-8") i R-kommandovindu, erstatt filnamn med aktuelt filnamn | Details | |
digit: source("filename", encoding = "UTF-8") on the R command window, replace filename with the actual filename verdi: kjelde("filnamn", avkoding = "UTF-8") i R-kommandovindu, erstatt filnamn med aktuelt filnamn
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HTML | HTML | Details | |
Microsoft Word | Microsoft Word | Details | |
Microsoft Excel | Microsoft Excel | Details | |
CSV | CSV | Details | |
Could not connect to LDAP server. | Kunne ikkje kople til LDAP-tenaren. | Details | |
Could not connect to LDAP server. Kunne ikkje kople til LDAP-tenaren.
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Core plugin can not be disabled. | Naudsynt tillegg kan ikkje bli slått av. | Details | |
Core plugin can not be disabled. Naudsynt tillegg kan ikkje bli slått av.
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A full question index will be shown; participants will be able to jump between relevant questions. | Ei fullstendig liste over spørsmål vil visast. Deltakarar kan hoppe mellom relevante spørsmål. | Details | |
A full question index will be shown; participants will be able to jump between relevant questions. Ei fullstendig liste over spørsmål vil visast. Deltakarar kan hoppe mellom relevante spørsmål.
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Click here to start the survey. | Klikk her for å starte undersøkinga | Details | |
Click here to start the survey. Klikk her for å starte undersøkinga
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