Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
No response lines in your file. | Ingen svarliner i fila. | Details | |
No response lines in your file. Ingen svarliner i fila.
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%s response lines in your file. | %s svarliner i fila. | Details | |
Import failed: No answers could be mapped. | Feil ved importeringa: Ingen svar kunne koplast. | Details | |
Import failed: No answers could be mapped. Feil ved importeringa: Ingen svar kunne koplast.
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Import failed: Forced import was requested but the input file doesn't contain enough columns to fill the survey. | Feil ved importeringa: Tvungen import blei prøvd men fila inneheld ikkje nok kolonnar til å passe til undersøkinga. | Details | |
Import failed: Forced import was requested but the input file doesn't contain enough columns to fill the survey. Feil ved importeringa: Tvungen import blei prøvd men fila inneheld ikkje nok kolonnar til å passe til undersøkinga.
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File seems empty or has only one line | Fila ser tom ut eller ho inneheld berre ei line | Details | |
File seems empty or has only one line Fila ser tom ut eller ho inneheld berre ei line
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Description | Beskriving | Details | |
Plugin | Tillegg | Details | |
Deactivate | Deaktiver | Details | |
Activate | Aktiver | Details | |
Settings for plugin %s | Innstillingar for tillegg %s | Details | |
Plugins | Tillegg | Details | |
Too low | For låg | Details | |
Minimum memory available | Minimum minne tilgjengeleg | Details | |
Edit user permissions for user %s | Rediger brukarrettar for brukar %s | Details | |
Edit user permissions for user %s Rediger brukarrettar for brukar %s
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User ID | Brukar-ID | Details | |
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