Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Select survey structure file (*.lss, *.txt) or survey archive (*.lsa) (maximum file size: %01.2f MB) | Pilih berkas struktur survei (*.lss, *.txt) atau arsip survei (*.lsa) (ukuran berkas maksimum: %01.2f MB) | Details | |
Select survey structure file (*.lss, *.txt) or survey archive (*.lsa) (maximum file size: %01.2f MB) Pilih berkas struktur survei (*.lss, *.txt) atau arsip survei (*.lsa) (ukuran berkas maksimum: %01.2f MB)
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Destination question group: | Grup pertanyaan tujuan: | Details | |
Select question file (*.lsq): | Pilih berkas pertanyaan (*.lsq): | Details | |
Select question file (*.lsq): Pilih berkas pertanyaan (*.lsq):
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(Maximum file size: %01.2f MB) | (Ukuran berkas maksimum: %01.2f MB) | Details | |
(Maximum file size: %01.2f MB) (Ukuran berkas maksimum: %01.2f MB)
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Edit this survey participant | Ubah partisipan survei ini | Details | |
Edit this survey participant Ubah partisipan survei ini
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Sorry, this file is too large. Only files up to %01.2f MB are allowed. | Maaf, berkas ini terlalu besar. Hanya berkas hingga %01.2f MB yang diperbolehkan. | Details | |
Sorry, this file is too large. Only files up to %01.2f MB are allowed. Maaf, berkas ini terlalu besar. Hanya berkas hingga %01.2f MB yang diperbolehkan.
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Are you sure you want to delete the selected participants? | Apakah Anda yakin ingin menghapus partisipan terpilih? | Details | |
Are you sure you want to delete the selected participants? Apakah Anda yakin ingin menghapus partisipan terpilih?
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Delete survey participants | Hapus partisipan survei | Details | |
Delete table | Hapus tabel | Details | |
Additional attributes | Atribut tambahan | Details | |
Custom attributes | Atribut tambahan | Details | |
You can use operators in the search filters (eg: >, <, >=, <=, = ) | Anda dapat menggunakan operator pada filter pencarian (misal: >, <, >=, <=, = ) | Details | |
You can use operators in the search filters (eg: >, <, >=, <=, = ) Anda dapat menggunakan operator pada filter pencarian (misal: >, <, >=, <=, = )
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Convert resource links and expression fields? | Konversikan kolom ekspresi dan tautan sumber daya? | Details | |
Convert resource links and expression fields? Konversikan kolom ekspresi dan tautan sumber daya?
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Deleted | Terhapus | Details | |
Your ranking | Peringkat Anda | Details | |
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