Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Selected quota(s)... | Kuota terpilih... | Details | |
URL must be set if autoload URL is turned on! | URL harus ditentukan jika autoload URL diaktifkan! | Details | |
URL must be set if autoload URL is turned on! URL harus ditentukan jika autoload URL diaktifkan!
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Export printable survey | Ekspor survei yang dapat dicetak | Details | |
Export printable survey Ekspor survei yang dapat dicetak
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Printable survey (*.html) | Survei yang dapat dicetak (*.html) | Details | |
Printable survey (*.html) Survei yang dapat dicetak (*.html)
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Valid username but not authorized by group restriction | Nama pengguna valid namun tidak mendapatkan autorisasi pada batasan grup | Details | |
Valid username but not authorized by group restriction Nama pengguna valid namun tidak mendapatkan autorisasi pada batasan grup
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Quota saved | Kuota tersimpan | Details | |
OK! | OK! | Details | |
Luxembourgish | Luxembourgish | Details | |
Groups to which I belong | Grup di mana saya berada | Details | |
My user groups | Grup pengguna saya | Details | |
Please be patient until you are forwarded to the final URL. | Mohon bersabar sampai Anda diteruskan menuju URL final. | Details | |
Please be patient until you are forwarded to the final URL. Mohon bersabar sampai Anda diteruskan menuju URL final.
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View policy | Lihat kebijakan | Details | |
Manage your key | Kelola kunci Anda | Details | |
Google Analytics Tracking ID: | ID Pelacakan Google Analytics: | Details | |
Google Analytics Tracking ID: ID Pelacakan Google Analytics:
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Export this question to PDF. | Ekspor pertanyaan berikut ke PDF. | Details | |
Export this question to PDF. Ekspor pertanyaan berikut ke PDF.
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