Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Blocklist user: | Daftar hitam pengguna: | Details | |
Surel: | Details | ||
Blocklist settings were saved. | Pengaturan daftar hitam telah disimpan. | Details | |
Blocklist settings were saved. Pengaturan daftar hitam telah disimpan.
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No shared participants found. | Tidak ada partisipan yang dibagikan | Details | |
No shared participants found. Tidak ada partisipan yang dibagikan
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If you want to export blocklisted participants, set "Hide blocklisted participants" to "No" in CPDB settings. | Jika Anda ingin mengekspor peserta yang masuk daftar hitam, atur "Sembunyikan peserta yang masuk daftar hitam" menjadi "Tidak" di pengaturan CPDB. | Details | |
If you want to export blocklisted participants, set "Hide blocklisted participants" to "No" in CPDB settings. Jika Anda ingin mengekspor peserta yang masuk daftar hitam, atur "Sembunyikan peserta yang masuk daftar hitam" menjadi "Tidak" di pengaturan CPDB.
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Edit selected surveys | Dengan survei terpilih: | Details | |
... “There are X questions in this survey” | Tampilkan "Ada X pertanyaan dalam survei ini": | Details | |
... “There are X questions in this survey” Tampilkan "Ada X pertanyaan dalam survei ini":
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Are you sure you want to delete this box? | Apakah Anda yakin ingin menghapus kotak ini? | Details | |
Are you sure you want to delete this box? Apakah Anda yakin ingin menghapus kotak ini?
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Are you sure you want to delete user group '%s'? | Apakah Anda yakin ingin menghapus grup pengguna ini? | Details | |
Are you sure you want to delete user group '%s'? Apakah Anda yakin ingin menghapus grup pengguna ini?
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Update box | Perbarui kotak | Details | |
Credentials are valid, but we failed to create a user. | Kredensial valid tetapi kami gagal membuat pengguna | Details | |
Credentials are valid, but we failed to create a user. Kredensial valid tetapi kami gagal membuat pengguna
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Could not remove deleted directories | Direktori terhapus tidak dapat dihilangkan | Details | |
Could not remove deleted directories Direktori terhapus tidak dapat dihilangkan
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With non-anonymized responses (and the survey participants table field 'Uses left' set to 1) if the participant closes the survey and opens it again (by using the survey link) their previous answers will be reloaded. | Dengan jawaban non-anonim (dan kolom tabel peserta survei 'Penggunaan tersisa' diatur ke 1) jika peserta menutup survei dan membukanya lagi (dengan menggunakan tautan survei), jawaban mereka sebelumnya akan dimuat ulang. | Details | |
With non-anonymized responses (and the survey participants table field 'Uses left' set to 1) if the participant closes the survey and opens it again (by using the survey link) their previous answers will be reloaded. Dengan jawaban non-anonim (dan kolom tabel peserta survei 'Penggunaan tersisa' diatur ke 1) jika peserta menutup survei dan membukanya lagi (dengan menggunakan tautan survei), jawaban mereka sebelumnya akan dimuat ulang.
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If participant-based response persistence is enabled a participant can update his response after completion, otherwise a participant can add new responses without restriction. | Jika keuletan respons berbasis peserta diaktifkan maka peserta dapat memperbarui respons mereka setelah selesai, jika tidak, peserta dapat menambahkan respons baru tanpa batasan. | Details | |
If participant-based response persistence is enabled a participant can update his response after completion, otherwise a participant can add new responses without restriction. Jika keuletan respons berbasis peserta diaktifkan maka peserta dapat memperbarui respons mereka setelah selesai, jika tidak, peserta dapat menambahkan respons baru tanpa batasan.
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Permission to view, update the survey text elements, e.g. survey title, survey description, welcome and end message | Izin untuk melihat/memperbarui elemen teks survei, misalnya judul survei, deskripsi survei, pesan sambutan dan akhir | Details | |
Permission to view, update the survey text elements, e.g. survey title, survey description, welcome and end message Izin untuk melihat/memperbarui elemen teks survei, misalnya judul survei, deskripsi survei, pesan sambutan dan akhir
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