Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Random | Aleatorio | Details | |
Normal | Normal | Details | |
Could not update plugin %s (%s) | No se pudo actualizar el complemento %s (%s) | Details | |
Could not update plugin %s (%s) No se pudo actualizar el complemento %s (%s)
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IP allowlist for participants with access code | Lista de IP permitidas para participantes con código de acceso | Details | |
IP allowlist for participants with access code Lista de IP permitidas para participantes con código de acceso
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IP allowlist for administration login | Lista de IP permitidas para inicio de sesión de administración | Details | |
IP allowlist for administration login Lista de IP permitidas para inicio de sesión de administración
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IP allowlist: | Lista de IP permitidas: | Details | |
A positive or negative integer number as assement value if this option is selected | Un número entero positivo o negativo como valor de evaluación si se selecciona esta opción | Details | |
A positive or negative integer number as assement value if this option is selected Un número entero positivo o negativo como valor de evaluación si se selecciona esta opción
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You can't use the import function to update your own account. | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
You can't use the import function to update your own account.
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You don't have permission to edit user %s. | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
Creole (Haitian) | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
Invalid access code | Código de acceso no válido | Details | |
The provided access code is not valid or has already been used. | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
The provided access code is not valid or has already been used.
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A mandatory unique alpha-numeric code for each answer option (1-5 characters) | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
A mandatory unique alpha-numeric code for each answer option (1-5 characters)
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A mandatory unique alpha-numeric code for each subquestion (1-20 characters) | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
A mandatory unique alpha-numeric code for each subquestion (1-20 characters)
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Enter one label per line. You can provide a code by separating code and label text with a semicolon or tab. For multilingual surveys you add the translation(s) on the same line separated with a semicolon or tab. Please remember to use the save button after applying the changes. | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
Enter one label per line. You can provide a code by separating code and label text with a semicolon or tab. For multilingual surveys you add the translation(s) on the same line separated with a semicolon or tab. Please remember to use the save button after applying the changes.
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