Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
You don't have permission to edit a user group | No tens permís per editar un grup d’usuaris | Details | |
You don't have permission to edit a user group No tens permís per editar un grup d’usuaris
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Failed to edit user group! Group already exists? | No s'ha pogut editar el grup d'usuaris. Ja existeix el grup? | Details | |
Failed to edit user group! Group already exists? No s'ha pogut editar el grup d'usuaris. Ja existeix el grup?
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GroupId missing | Falta el grupld | Details | |
Could not delete Box | No s'ha pogut suprimir la Caixa | Details | |
Survey theme options | Opcions del tema de l'enquesta | Details | |
You are not a participant of this survey. | No ets participant d'aquesta enquesta. | Details | |
You are not a participant of this survey. No ets participant d'aquesta enquesta.
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Edit theme options | Edita les opcions del tema | Details | |
Uppercase only | Només majúscules | Details | |
The new password can not be empty. | La nova contrasenya no pot estar buida. | Details | |
The new password can not be empty. La nova contrasenya no pot estar buida.
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Please note that if you delete an incomplete response during a running survey, the participant will not be able to complete it. | Tingues en compte que si elimines una resposta incompleta durant una enquesta en curs, el participant no la podrà completar. | Details | |
Please note that if you delete an incomplete response during a running survey, the participant will not be able to complete it. Tingues en compte que si elimines una resposta incompleta durant una enquesta en curs, el participant no la podrà completar.
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Do you want to delete this response? | Vols suprimir aquesta resposta? | Details | |
Do you want to delete this response? Vols suprimir aquesta resposta?
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The data could not be saved because the response does not exist in the database. | No s'han pogut desar les dades perquè la resposta no existeix a la base de dades. | Details | |
The data could not be saved because the response does not exist in the database. No s'han pogut desar les dades perquè la resposta no existeix a la base de dades.
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Custom token | Token personalitzat | Details | |
Without ambiguous characters | Sense caràcters ambigus | Details | |
Numeric tokens | Tokens numèrics | Details | |
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