Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Percentage of total: | Percentatge del total : | Details | |
Total records in survey: | Nombre total d'enregistraments per aqueste questionari : | Details | |
Total records in survey: Nombre total d'enregistraments per aqueste questionari :
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Number of records in this query: | Nombre d'enregistrament(s) per aquesta requèsta : | Details | |
Number of records in this query: Nombre d'enregistrament(s) per aquesta requèsta :
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Survey | Questionari | Details | |
Comments | Comentaris | Details | |
Can't update labels because you are using duplicated codes | Impossible de metre a jorn las etiquetas perque utilizatz un còde en doble | Details | |
Can't update labels because you are using duplicated codes Impossible de metre a jorn las etiquetas perque utilizatz un còde en doble
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This is not a valid timings data XML file. | Aquò es pas un fichièr de donadas XML valid pels cronometratges. | Details | |
This is not a valid timings data XML file. Aquò es pas un fichièr de donadas XML valid pels cronometratges.
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This is not a valid response data XML file. | Aquò es pas un fichièr valid de responsas de questionari LimeSurvey. | Details | |
This is not a valid response data XML file. Aquò es pas un fichièr valid de responsas de questionari LimeSurvey.
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This is not a valid LimeSurvey survey structure XML file. | Aquò es pas un fichièr valid d'estructura de questionari LimeSurvey. | Details | |
This is not a valid LimeSurvey survey structure XML file. Aquò es pas un fichièr valid d'estructura de questionari LimeSurvey.
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Sorry your responses have exceeded a quota on this survey. | O planhèm, vòstras responsas depassan un quota definit per aqueste questionari | Details | |
Sorry your responses have exceeded a quota on this survey. O planhèm, vòstras responsas depassan un quota definit per aqueste questionari
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The languages of the imported question file must at least include the base language of this survey. | Las lengas de las questions importadas del fichièr devon inclure al mens la lenga de basa d'aqueste questionari. | Details | |
The languages of the imported question file must at least include the base language of this survey. Las lengas de las questions importadas del fichièr devon inclure al mens la lenga de basa d'aqueste questionari.
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The languages of the imported group file must at least include the base language of this survey. | Las lengas dels gropes importats del fichièr devon inclure al mens la lenga de basa d'aqueste questionari. | Details | |
The languages of the imported group file must at least include the base language of this survey. Las lengas dels gropes importats del fichièr devon inclure al mens la lenga de basa d'aqueste questionari.
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Start HTML editor in a popup window | Aviar l’editor HTML dins una fenèstra novèla | Details | |
Start HTML editor in a popup window Aviar l’editor HTML dins una fenèstra novèla
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Switch to closed-access mode | Bascoular en mòde Accès restrench | Details | |
Switch to closed-access mode Bascoular en mòde Accès restrench
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The required directory for saving the uploaded files couldn't be created. Please check file premissions on the /upload/surveys directory. | Lo dorsièr requesit pel salvament dels fichièrs mandats pòt pas èsser creat. Verificatz las permissions del dorsièr ./upload/surveys. | Details | |
The required directory for saving the uploaded files couldn't be created. Please check file premissions on the /upload/surveys directory. Lo dorsièr requesit pel salvament dels fichièrs mandats pòt pas èsser creat. Verificatz las permissions del dorsièr ./upload/surveys.
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