Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Reminder to participate in a survey | Rapèl per participar a un questionari | Details | |
Reminder to participate in a survey Rapèl per participar a un questionari
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If you do not want to participate in this survey and don't want to receive any more invitations please click the following link:↵ {OPTOUTURL} | Se volètz pas participar a aqueste questionari e que volètz pas mai recebre cap de convit, clicatz sul ligam seguent : {OPTOUTURL} | Details | |
If you do not want to participate in this survey and don't want to receive any more invitations please click the following link:↵ {OPTOUTURL} Se volètz pas participar a aqueste questionari e que volètz pas mai recebre cap de convit, clicatz sul ligam seguent :↵ {OPTOUTURL}
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Invitation to participate in a survey | Convit a participar a un questionari | Details | |
Invitation to participate in a survey Convit a participar a un questionari
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Confirmation of your participation in our survey | Confirmacion de vòstra participacion a nòstre questionari | Details | |
Confirmation of your participation in our survey Confirmacion de vòstra participacion a nòstre questionari
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Response submission for survey {SURVEYNAME} | Somission de responsa pel questionari {SURVEYNAME} | Details | |
Response submission for survey {SURVEYNAME} Somission de responsa pel questionari {SURVEYNAME}
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Response submission for survey {SURVEYNAME} with results | Somission de responsa pel questionari {SURVEYNAME} amb resultats | Details | |
Response submission for survey {SURVEYNAME} with results Somission de responsa pel questionari {SURVEYNAME} amb resultats
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Inactive | Inactivat | Details | |
Expired | Expirat | Details | |
Active | Activat | Details | |
Equation | Eqüacion | Details | |
File upload | Mandadís de fichièr | Details | |
Array (Texts) | Tablèu (Tèxtes) | Details | |
Array (Numbers) | Tablèu (Nombres) | Details | |
List (Dropdown) | Lista (Menú desenrotlant) | Details | |
Yes/No | Òc/Non | Details | |
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