Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Display columns | Afichar las colomnas | Details | |
The answer options will be distributed across the number of columns set here | Las opcions de responsa seràn repartidas segon lo nombre de colomnas definit aicí | Details | |
The answer options will be distributed across the number of columns set here Las opcions de responsa seràn repartidas segon lo nombre de colomnas definit aicí
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Category separator | Separador de categoria | Details | |
Assessment value | Valor de l'evaluacion | Details | |
If one of the subquestions is marked then for each marked subquestion this value is added as assessment. | Se una de las sosquestions es marcada, alara per cada sosquestion marcada, sa valor es aponduda coma evaluacion. | Details | |
If one of the subquestions is marked then for each marked subquestion this value is added as assessment. Se una de las sosquestions es marcada, alara per cada sosquestion marcada, sa valor es aponduda coma evaluacion.
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Array filter exclusion | Filtre d'exclusion del tablèu | Details | |
Enter the code(s) of Multiple choice question(s) (separated by semicolons) to exclude the matching answer options in this question. | Entratz lo(s) còde(s) de la(s) sosquestion(s) de la question amb causida multipla (separats per de virgulas) per amagar las opcions de responsa que correspondon a aqueste(s) còde(s). | Details | |
Enter the code(s) of Multiple choice question(s) (separated by semicolons) to exclude the matching answer options in this question. Entratz lo(s) còde(s) de la(s) sosquestion(s) de la question amb causida multipla (separats per de virgulas) per amagar las opcions de responsa que correspondon a aqueste(s) còde(s).
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Array filter | Filtre de tablèu | Details | |
Enter the code(s) of Multiple choice question(s) (separated by semicolons) to only show the matching answer options in this question. | Entratz lo o los còde(s) de la(s) sosquestion(s) de la question amb causidas multiplas (separats per de virgulas) per afichar que las opcions de responsa que correspondon a aqueste(s) còde(s). | Details | |
Enter the code(s) of Multiple choice question(s) (separated by semicolons) to only show the matching answer options in this question. Entratz lo o los còde(s) de la(s) sosquestion(s) de la question amb causidas multiplas (separats per de virgulas) per afichar que las opcions de responsa que correspondon a aqueste(s) còde(s).
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Sort answers alphabetically | Triar las responsas alfabeticament | Details | |
Sort answers alphabetically Triar las responsas alfabeticament
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Sort the answer options alphabetically | Triar las opcions de responsa alfabeticament | Details | |
Sort the answer options alphabetically Triar las opcions de responsa alfabeticament
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Display | Afichatge | Details | |
Question time | Durada per la question | Details | |
Group time | Durada pel grop | Details | |
Other comment | Autre comentari | Details | |
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