Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Default: | Per defaut: | Details | |
Text [Help] (Tip) | Tèxte [Ajuda] (Astúcia) | Details | |
Name [ID] | Nom [ID] | Details | |
This question is mandatory | Aquesta question es obligatòria | Details | |
This question is mandatory Aquesta question es obligatòria
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Unable to insert record into survey table | Impossible d’apondre aqueste enregistrament dins la taula de las responsas | Details | |
Unable to insert record into survey table Impossible d’apondre aqueste enregistrament dins la taula de las responsas
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Please check the format of your answer. | Verificatz lo format de vòstra responsa. | Details | |
Please check the format of your answer. Verificatz lo format de vòstra responsa.
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The sum must equal %s. | La soma deu èsser egala a %s | Details | |
The sum must be between %s and %s | La soma deu èsser compresa entre %s e %s | Details | |
The sum must be between %s and %s La soma deu èsser compresa entre %s e %s
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The sum must equal %s | La soma deu èsser egala a %s | Details | |
The sum must be at most %s | La soma deu èsser al mai de %s | Details | |
The sum must be at most %s La soma deu èsser al mai de %s
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The sum must be at least %s | La soma deu èsser al mens de %s | Details | |
The sum must be at least %s La soma deu èsser al mens de %s
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Each answer must be between %s and %s | Cada entrada deu èsser entre %s e %s | Details | |
Each answer must be between %s and %s Cada entrada deu èsser entre %s e %s
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Each answer must be %s | Cada responsa deu èsser %s | Details | |
Each answer must be at most %s | Cada entrada deu èsser al mai de %s | Details | |
Each answer must be at most %s Cada entrada deu èsser al mai de %s
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Each answer must be at least %s | Cada entrada deu èsser al mens de %s | Details | |
Each answer must be at least %s Cada entrada deu èsser al mens de %s
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