Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Feb | Feb | Details | |
Jan | Gen | Details | |
seconds | segondas | Details | |
mins | minutas | Details | |
hours | oras | Details | |
Your time to answer this question has nearly expired. You have {TIME} remaining. | Vòstre relambi per respondre a aquesta question es gaireben expirat. Vos demòra {TIME}. | Details | |
Your time to answer this question has nearly expired. You have {TIME} remaining. Vòstre relambi per respondre a aquesta question es gaireben expirat. Vos demòra {TIME}.
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Time remaining | Temps que demòra | Details | |
Your time to answer this question has expired | Vòstre relambi per respondre a aquesta question es expirat. | Details | |
Your time to answer this question has expired Vòstre relambi per respondre a aquesta question es expirat.
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One or more file have either exceeded the filesize/are not in the right format or the minimum number of required files have not been uploaded. You cannot proceed until these have been completed | Un o mantun fichièrs an depassats la talha autorizada e/o son pas dins un format autorizat o lo nombre minimum de fichièrs a mandar es pas atench. Poiretz pas contunhar tant qu'auretz pas respectat aquelas obligacions. | Details | |
One or more file have either exceeded the filesize/are not in the right format or the minimum number of required files have not been uploaded. You cannot proceed until these have been completed Un o mantun fichièrs an depassats la talha autorizada e/o son pas dins un format autorizat o lo nombre minimum de fichièrs a mandar es pas atench. Poiretz pas contunhar tant qu'auretz pas respectat aquelas obligacions.
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You cannot proceed until you enter some text for one or more questions. | Podètz pas contunhar tant qu'auretz pas entrat de tèxte dins una o mantuna question. | Details | |
You cannot proceed until you enter some text for one or more questions. Podètz pas contunhar tant qu'auretz pas entrat de tèxte dins una o mantuna question.
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Choose your language | Causissètz vòstra lenga | Details | |
Choose one of the following answers | Seleccionatz una responsa çaijós | Details | |
Choose one of the following answers Seleccionatz una responsa çaijós
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Next | Seguent | Details | |
Previous | Precedent | Details | |
Security question: | Question de seguretat : | Details | |
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