Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Success! | Succès ! | Details | |
Error | Error | Details | |
Database %s has been successfully populated. | Banca de donadas %s estructurada amb succès. | Details | |
Database %s has been successfully populated. Banca de donadas %s estructurada amb succès.
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Please continue with populating the database. | Contunhatz a poblar la banca de donadas. | Details | |
Please continue with populating the database. Contunhatz a poblar la banca de donadas.
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Please <a href="%s">log in</a>. | <a href="%s">Connectatz-vos</a>. | Details | |
Please <a href="%s">log in</a>. <a href="%s">Connectatz-vos</a>.
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Populate database | Estructurar la banca de donadas | Details | |
Do you want to populate that database now by creating the necessary tables? | Volètz completar la banca de donadas ara en creant las taulas necessàrias ? | Details | |
Do you want to populate that database now by creating the necessary tables? Volètz completar la banca de donadas ara en creant las taulas necessàrias ?
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A database named "%s" already exists. | Una banca de donadas intitulada "%s" existís ja. | Details | |
A database named "%s" already exists. Una banca de donadas intitulada "%s" existís ja.
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Create database | Crear la banca de donadas | Details | |
LimeSurvey can attempt to create this database for you. | LimeSurvey pòt ensajar de crear la banca de donadas per vos. | Details | |
LimeSurvey can attempt to create this database for you. LimeSurvey pòt ensajar de crear la banca de donadas per vos.
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The database you specified does not exist: | La banca de donadas indicada existís pas : | Details | |
The database you specified does not exist: La banca de donadas indicada existís pas :
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Database doesn't exist! | La banca de donadas existís pas ! | Details | |
Database doesn't exist! La banca de donadas existís pas !
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Database settings | Paramètres de la banca de donadas | Details | |
Try again! Connection with database failed. | Ensajatz tornarmai, la connexion a la banca de donadas a fracassat. | Details | |
Try again! Connection with database failed. Ensajatz tornarmai, la connexion a la banca de donadas a fracassat.
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Please enter the database settings you want to use for LimeSurvey: | Entratz los paramètres de la banca de donadas que volètz utilizar per LimeSurvey : | Details | |
Please enter the database settings you want to use for LimeSurvey: Entratz los paramètres de la banca de donadas que volètz utilizar per LimeSurvey :
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