Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Timings table could not be created. | La taula dels cronometratges a pas pogut èsser creada. | Details | |
Timings table could not be created. La taula dels cronometratges a pas pogut èsser creada.
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Attribute values for existing participants have been updated from the participants records | Las valors dels atributs pels contactes existents son estadas mesas a jorn a partir dels enregistraments dels participants | Details | |
Attribute values for existing participants have been updated from the participants records Las valors dels atributs pels contactes existents son estadas mesas a jorn a partir dels enregistraments dels participants
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%s entries were not copied because they already existed | %s entradas son pas estadas copiadas perque èran ja presentas | Details | |
%s entries were not copied because they already existed %s entradas son pas estadas copiadas perque èran ja presentas
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%s participants have been copied to the central participants table | %s participants son estats copiats dins la taula centrala dels contactes | Details | |
%s participants have been copied to the central participants table %s participants son estats copiats dins la taula centrala dels contactes
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Shared with | Partejat amb | Details | |
Repeat headers | Repetir las entèstas | Details | |
Italian (informal) | Italian (informal) | Details | |
Next choice | Causida seguenta | Details | |
First choice | Primièra causida | Details | |
Logic File for Survey # | Fichièr de logica pel Questionari # | Details | |
Logic File for Survey # Fichièr de logica pel Questionari #
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Show an alert if answers exceeds the number of max answers | Afichar una alèrta se lo nombre de responsas depassa lo maximum autorizat. | Details | |
Show an alert if answers exceeds the number of max answers Afichar una alèrta se lo nombre de responsas depassa lo maximum autorizat.
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Show javascript alert | Afichar las alèrtas JavaScript | Details | |
You have exceeded the number of maximum login attempts. Please wait %d minutes before trying again. | Avètz depassat lo limit maximal de temptativas d’autentificacions autorizadas. Mercé de pacientar %d minutas abans tot novèl ensag. | Details | |
You have exceeded the number of maximum login attempts. Please wait %d minutes before trying again. Avètz depassat lo limit maximal de temptativas d’autentificacions autorizadas. Mercé de pacientar %d minutas abans tot novèl ensag.
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Value range allows missing | Permetre de respondre pas | Details | |
Is no answer (missing) allowed when either 'Equals sum value' or 'Minimum sum value' are set? | Permetre de respondre pas, quitament se los paramètres “Valor minimala de la soma” o “Valor de la soma” son activats. | Details | |
Is no answer (missing) allowed when either 'Equals sum value' or 'Minimum sum value' are set? Permetre de respondre pas, quitament se los paramètres → “Valor minimala de la soma” o → “Valor de la soma” son activats.
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