Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Quick statistics | Estatisticas rapidas | Details | |
Import VV file | Importar un fichièr VV | Details | |
Survey settings were successfully saved. | Los paramètres del questionari son estats salvats amb succès. | Details | |
Survey settings were successfully saved. Los paramètres del questionari son estats salvats amb succès.
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Question could not be updated. There are conditions for other questions that rely on the answers to this question and changing the type will cause problems. You must delete these conditions before you can change the type of this question. | La question pòt pas èsser mesa a jorn. I a de condicions per d'autras questions que se fondon sus las responsas a aquesta question e cambiar lo tipe pausariá de problèmas. Vos cal suprimir aquelas condicions abans de poder cambiar lo tipe d'aquesta question. | Details | |
Question could not be updated. There are conditions for other questions that rely on the answers to this question and changing the type will cause problems. You must delete these conditions before you can change the type of this question. La question pòt pas èsser mesa a jorn. I a de condicions per d'autras questions que se fondon sus las responsas a aquesta question e cambiar lo tipe pausariá de problèmas. Vos cal suprimir aquelas condicions abans de poder cambiar lo tipe d'aquesta question.
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Question could not be created. | La question pòt pas èsser creada. | Details | |
Question could not be created. La question pòt pas èsser creada.
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Question in language %s could not be created. | La question dins la lenga %s pòt pas èsser creada. | Details | |
Question in language %s could not be created. La question dins la lenga %s pòt pas èsser creada.
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Failed to delete answer | Fracàs de la supression de responsas | Details | |
Failed to delete answer Fracàs de la supression de responsas
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Duplicate codes found, these entries won't be updated | Doblons de còdes trobats, aquestas entradas seràn pas mesas a jorn. | Details | |
Duplicate codes found, these entries won't be updated Doblons de còdes trobats, aquestas entradas seràn pas mesas a jorn.
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Answers with a code of 0 (zero) or blank code are not allowed, and will not be saved | Las responsas amb 0 (zèro) coma còde o sens còde son pas permesas e seràn pas salvadas | Details | |
Answers with a code of 0 (zero) or blank code are not allowed, and will not be saved Las responsas amb 0 (zèro) coma còde o sens còde son pas permesas e seràn pas salvadas
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Failed to update answers | Fracàs de la mesa a jorn de responsas | Details | |
Failed to update answers Fracàs de la mesa a jorn de responsas
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Default value settings were successfully saved. | Los paramètres de las valors per defaut son estadas salvats amb succès. | Details | |
Default value settings were successfully saved. Los paramètres de las valors per defaut son estadas salvats amb succès.
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Question could not be updated | La question pòt pas èsser mesa a jorn | Details | |
Question could not be updated La question pòt pas èsser mesa a jorn
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Clear | Escafar | Details | |
Update condition | Metre a jorn una condicion | Details | |
RegExp | RegExp | Details | |
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