Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Some example subquestion | un exemple de sosquestion | Details | |
Some example answer option | Un exemple d’opcion de responsa | Details | |
Some example answer option Un exemple d’opcion de responsa
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Checked | Verificat | Details | |
Unknown file extension | Extension del fichièr desconeguda | Details | |
Unknown file extension Extension del fichièr desconeguda
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No GID (Group) has been provided. Cannot import question | Cap d'ID de grop (GID) es pas estat provesit. Impossible d'importar una question. | Details | |
No GID (Group) has been provided. Cannot import question Cap d'ID de grop (GID) es pas estat provesit. Impossible d'importar una question.
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No SID (Survey) has been provided. Cannot import question. | Cap d'ID de questionari (SID) es pas estada provesida. Impossible d'importar una question. | Details | |
No SID (Survey) has been provided. Cannot import question. Cap d'ID de questionari (SID) es pas estada provesida. Impossible d'importar una question.
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Please choose no more than %s items. | Marcatz al mai %s element(s) | Details | |
Please choose no more than %s items. Marcatz al mai %s element(s)
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Please choose at least %s items. | Causissètz al minimum %s elements | Details | |
Please choose at least %s items. Causissètz al minimum %s elements
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Please choose the appropriate response for each item: | Causissètz la responsa apropriada per cada element : | Details | |
Please choose the appropriate response for each item: Causissètz la responsa apropriada per cada element :
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Please write your answer here: | Escrivètz vòstra responsa aicí : | Details | |
Please write your answer here: Escrivètz vòstra responsa aicí :
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Please write your answer(s) here: | Escrivètz vòstra(vos) responsa(s) aicí : | Details | |
Please write your answer(s) here: Escrivètz vòstra(vos) responsa(s) aicí :
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Please choose all that apply and provide a comment: | Causissètz totas las responsas que convenon e daissatz un comentari : | Details | |
Please choose all that apply and provide a comment: Causissètz totas las responsas que convenon e daissatz un comentari :
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Please choose *all* that apply: | Causissètz totas las responsas que convenon : | Details | |
Please choose *all* that apply: Causissètz totas las responsas que convenon :
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Please number each box in order of preference from 1 to | Numerotatz cada casa dins l'òrdre de vòstras preferéncias de 1 a | Details | |
Please number each box in order of preference from 1 to Numerotatz cada casa dins l'òrdre de vòstras preferéncias de 1 a
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Make a comment on your choice here: | Fasètz lo comentari de vòstra causida aicí : | Details | |
Make a comment on your choice here: Fasètz lo comentari de vòstra causida aicí :
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