Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Reminder sent to: | Rapèl mandat a : | Details | |
Invitation sent to: | Convit mandat a : | Details | |
%s field(s) were successfully added. | %s camp(s) es/son estat(s) apondut(s) amb succès. | Details | |
%s field(s) were successfully added. %s camp(s) es/son estat(s) apondut(s) amb succès.
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Failed | Fracàs | Details | |
The survey you selected does not exist | Lo questionari qu'avètz seleccionat existís pas | Details | |
The survey you selected does not exist Lo questionari qu'avètz seleccionat existís pas
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This is the survey end message. | Aquò's lo messatge de fin de questionari. | Details | |
This is the survey end message. Aquò's lo messatge de fin de questionari.
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Submit your survey. | Sometre vòstre questionari. | Details | |
Please explain something in detail: | Explicatz aquò en detalh : | Details | |
Please explain something in detail: Explicatz aquò en detalh :
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The following surveys are available: | Los questionaris seguents son disponibles : | Details | |
The following surveys are available: Los questionaris seguents son disponibles :
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This group description is fairly vacuous, but quite important. | Aquesta descripcion de grop es pro voida de sens, mas tot a fach importanta. | Details | |
This group description is fairly vacuous, but quite important. Aquesta descripcion de grop es pro voida de sens, mas tot a fach importanta.
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Group 1: The first lot of questions | Grop 1 : Lo premier lòt de questions | Details | |
Group 1: The first lot of questions Grop 1 : Lo premier lòt de questions
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Some URL description | Descripcion de l'URL | Details | |
You should have a great time doing this | Deuriatz prene de bon temps en fasent aquò | Details | |
You should have a great time doing this Deuriatz prene de bon temps en fasent aquò
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Welcome to this sample survey | Benvenguda dins aqueste exemple de questionari | Details | |
Welcome to this sample survey Benvenguda dins aqueste exemple de questionari
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But this one isn't. | Mas aquela d'aquí l'es pas. | Details | |
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