Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Welcome and end text | Tèxte d'acuèlh e de fin | Details | |
Description: | Descripcion : | Details | |
Survey title and description | Títol del questionari e descripcion | Details | |
Survey title and description Títol del questionari e descripcion
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Please choose... | Causissètz ... | Details | |
Translate to | Tradusir en | Details | |
Return to survey administration | Tornar a l'ecran d'administracion dels questionaris | Details | |
Return to survey administration Tornar a l'ecran d'administracion dels questionaris
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Translate survey | Tradusir lo questionari | Details | |
Bounce settings have been saved. | Los paramètres de reget son estats salvats. | Details | |
Bounce settings have been saved. Los paramètres de reget son estats salvats.
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Bounce settings | Paramètres de reget | Details | |
Can't connect to the LDAP directory | Se pòt pas connectar a l'annuari LDAP | Details | |
Can't connect to the LDAP directory Se pòt pas connectar a l'annuari LDAP
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We are sorry but you don't have permissions to do this. | O planhèm, mas avètz pas la permission de far aquò. | Details | |
We are sorry but you don't have permissions to do this. O planhèm, mas avètz pas la permission de far aquò.
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Uploading LDAP Query | Mandadís en cors d'una requèsta LDAP | Details | |
Uploading LDAP Query Mandadís en cors d'una requèsta LDAP
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not having been sent an invitation already | qu'an pas encara agut de convit de mandat | Details | |
not having been sent an invitation already qu'an pas encara agut de convit de mandat
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having a valid email address | qu'an una adreça de corrièr electronic valida | Details | |
having a valid email address qu'an una adreça de corrièr electronic valida
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There were no eligible emails to send. This will be because none satisfied the criteria of: | I aviá pas cap de corrièr electronic a mandar. Deu èsser perque cap d'eles satisfasiá los critèris : | Details | |
There were no eligible emails to send. This will be because none satisfied the criteria of: I aviá pas cap de corrièr electronic a mandar. Deu èsser perque cap d'eles satisfasiá los critèris :
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