Prio | Original string | Translation | — |
Interface language: | Tungumál viðmóts | Details | |
My personal settings | Þínar persónulegu stillingar | Details | |
Take ownership | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
Created by | Gert af | Details | |
No of surveys | Fjöldi kannana | Details | |
Delete User | Eyða notanda | Details | |
Transfer the surveys of this user to: | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
Delete user | You have to log in to add a translation. | Details | |
Everything looks alright. Please proceed to the next step. | Allt virðist í lagi. Vinsamlegast haltu áfram í næsta skref. | Details | |
Everything looks alright. Please proceed to the next step. Allt virðist í lagi. Vinsamlegast haltu áfram í næsta skref.
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Change log | Listi yfir breytingar | Details | |
Checking basic requirements... | Athuga grunnkröfur... | Details | |
If necessary the database will be updated. | Ef þörf er á verður gagnagrunnurinn uppfærður. | Details | |
If necessary the database will be updated. Ef þörf er á verður gagnagrunnurinn uppfærður.
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New files will be downloaded and installed. | Nýjar skrár verða sóttar og innsettar. | Details | |
New files will be downloaded and installed. Nýjar skrár verða sóttar og innsettar.
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Your LimeSurvey installation is checked if the update can be run successfully. | Útgáfan þín af Limesurvey er athuguð til að vita hvort uppfærslan geti átt sér stað. | Details | |
Your LimeSurvey installation is checked if the update can be run successfully. Útgáfan þín af Limesurvey er athuguð til að vita hvort uppfærslan geti átt sér stað.
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The following steps will be done by this update: | Eftirfarandi skref verða framkvæmd í þessari uppfærslu: | Details | |
The following steps will be done by this update: Eftirfarandi skref verða framkvæmd í þessari uppfærslu:
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