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Translation of LimeSurvey 5.x: Serbian

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Prio Original string Translation
The condition could not be added! It did not include the question and/or answer upon which the condition was based. Please ensure you have selected a question and an answer. Услови/правила се не могу додати! Нисте изабрали питање и/или одговоре над којима ће се услов/правило односити. Молимо да изаберете питање и одговор. Details

The condition could not be added! It did not include the question and/or answer upon which the condition was based. Please ensure you have selected a question and an answer.

Услови/правила се не могу додати! Нисте изабрали питање и/или одговоре над којима ће се услов/правило односити. Молимо да изаберете питање и одговор.
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The condition could not be added! It did not include the question and/or answer upon which the condition was based. Please ensure you have selected a question and an answer. Ваш услов се не може додати! Услов није укључивао питање и/или одговоре на којима би био базиран. Молимо Вас да изаберете питање и одговор. Details

The condition could not be added! It did not include the question and/or answer upon which the condition was based. Please ensure you have selected a question and an answer.

Ваш услов се не може додати! Услов није укључивао питање и/или одговоре на којима би био базиран. Молимо Вас да изаберете питање и одговор.
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