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Translation of LimeSurvey 5.x: Serbian (Latin script)

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Double-click or drag-and-drop items in the left list to move them to the right - your highest ranking item should be on the top right, moving through to your lowest ranking item. Da biste pomerili elemente sa leve liste na desnu stranu koristite dupli klik ili ih prevucite - najviše rangirani element treba da bude na vrhu, a ispod njega treba da budu redom poređani elementi do najniže rangiranog. Details

Double-click or drag-and-drop items in the left list to move them to the right - your highest ranking item should be on the top right, moving through to your lowest ranking item.

Da biste pomerili elemente sa leve liste na desnu stranu koristite dupli klik ili ih prevucite - najviše rangirani element treba da bude na vrhu, a ispod njega treba da budu redom poređani elementi do najniže rangiranog.
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